JJDD Ajedrez Equipos Sub10 Zonal Aviles 2020

Aviles, from 2020-02-16 to 2020-02-16
Official website
Chief Arbiter: Mario Menéndez AN (id FIDE: 32008643) Deputy Arbiters: Sergio Arias AN; Guillermo Pulido AR
Rate of play: 10 min


Pos. Ran. Name Fed. Pts. GamPnt Dir_Enc Buc_M SB_MM Rating average Origin Region
1 1 San Fernando Alenkhine ESP 7.0 13.5 0 10 17 618
2 3 San Fernando Botvinnik ESP 3.0 6.5 0 18 11 0
3 2 San Fernando Euwe ESP 2.0 4 0 20 6 0