Lliga Balear per Equips 2024 - Promocion

Baleares, from 2024-05-18 to 2024-05-25

Chief Arbiter: Maldonado Valdivia German
Rate of play: 90 min + 30sec

Team composition: LOS BOSCOS

Brd. Tit. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. FIDE ID Nat. ID Pts.
1 Marques Taltavull, Antonio ESP 2039 0 2218879 0 0.5
2 Aguilo Benejam, Alfredo ESP 2081 0 22217843 0 0.5
3 Villalonga Florit, Luis ESP 1983 0 2265850 0 0.5
4 Salord Guillen, Joan ESP 1902 0 54512743 0 1
5 Gornes Arguimbau, Marcos ESP 1902 0 22217886 0 0
6 Arguimbau Pons, Miquel ESP 1789 0 22217851 0 0
7 Tellez Orfila, Juan Jose ESP 1774 0 22217924 0 0
8 Coll Bosch, Anna ESP 1589 0 94718873 0 0.5

Round pairings

Rd. Brd. White Pts. FIDE Fed. Res. Black Pts. FIDE Fed.
1 1 LOS BOSCOS 0.0 1919 ESP 2.5 - 2.5 AGORA MEGAESCACS 0.0 2179 ESP
2 1 AGORA MEGAESCACS 1.0 2179 ESP 4.5 - 0.5 LOS BOSCOS 1.0 1919 ESP