Campeonato de Extremadura por Equipos 2023 1 Division

Extremadura, from 01/14/2023 to 03/11/2023
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: (AI) Luis Blasco de la Cruz (2219107) Deputy Arbiters: (AA) Marc Costa Jutglar (22213627)
Rate of play: 90 min + 30sec

Team composition: RUY LOPEZ "B"

Brd. Tit. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. FIDE ID Nat. ID Pts.
1 Hidalgo Dominguez, Jose Diego ESP 1878 1863 2.0
2 Garcia Garcia, Juan Gabriel ESP 1722 1729 3.5
3 Gragera Ledesma, Daniel ESP 1695 1830 0.5
4 Crespo Ramos, Maria ESP 1688 1749 4
5 Ladera Rodriguez, Juan ESP 1665 1862 2.5
6 Carrasco Bayon, Jesus ESP 1645 1640 2
7 Ganan Margallo, Marcelino ESP 1622 1664 4.0
8 (*) Toro Peguero, Francisco ESP 1483 1725 0
9 Gutierrez Toro, David ESP 1479 1512 4.0
10 Diaz Ortiz, Francisco ESP 1415 1486 3.5
11 (*) Aparicio Garcia, Jose ESP 1414 0 0
12 (*) Roldan Perez, Rafael ESP 1384 0 0
13 (*) Sanchez Guerrero, Hugo ESP 1317 0 1

Round pairings

Rd. Brd. White Pts. FIDE Fed. Res. Black Pts. FIDE Fed.
1 2 AGORA-EL ESPACIO BAMBU 0.0 1.5 - 2.5 RUY LOPEZ "B" 0.0
2 4 RUY LOPEZ "B" 2.0 4.0 - 0.0 EXTRETEL 0.0
3 3 PROMESAS MAGIC "B" 3.0 2.0 - 2.0 RUY LOPEZ "B" 4.0
5 4 ALBATROS "B" 5.0 2.0 - 2.0 RUY LOPEZ "B" 7.0
6 2 RUY LOPEZ "B" 8.0 3.0 - 1.0 TIERRA DE BARROS 4.0
7 5 BADAJOZ 7.0 1.0 - 3.0 RUY LOPEZ "B" 10.0
8 1 CIBELES MERIDA "B" 10.0 1.5 - 2.5 RUY LOPEZ "B" 12.0
9 5 RUY LOPEZ "B" 14.0 4.0 - 0.0 DON BENITO 0.0