V Open Internacional Valencia Cuna del Ajedrez

Valencia, from 2024-07-06 to 2024-07-14
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Fernandez Calabuig, Manuel A. (22280812, ESP) Deputy Arbiters: FA Pastor Jorda, Nerea (2248557, AND)
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games
Arbitros auxiliares: Jose Lopez Palomar, Victor Bellon Rocher y Ruben Gomez Gandolfo.
Director del Torneo: Hernan Siludakis.
mail del arbitro calabuigfernandez25@gmail.com
Los byes se solicitan en la sala de torneo.
Lugar de Juego: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: ETSIT Telecomunicación (Edificio 4D) Camí de Vera, s/n, 46022 València - España.

Player information

Players and standings for UKR

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. GE BH-C1 BH APRO SB DirE FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
2 12 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy UKR 7.0 9 51.5 56.5 2343 42.50 0.0 2418 0 14120844 0 Ucrania
22 10 IM Bilych, Olexiy UKR 6.0 9 49.0 53.5 2285 33.75 0.0 2437 0 14156504 0 Ucrania
31 7 GM Kovchan, Alexander UKR 6.0 9 43.0 47.0 2177 31.00 0.0 2455 0 14103052 0 Ucrania
65 21 GM Golubka, Petro UKR 5.0 9 42.5 47.0 2149 25.25 0.0 2394 0 14114224 0 Ucrania
211 203 Yerko, Dmytro UKR 1.0 6 21.5 22.5 1585 1.00 0.0 1533 0 34179038 0 Monteolivete

Player pairings for UKR

Pairings of round 9 for UKR (2024-07-14 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 IM Fiorito, Joaquin 2393 ARG 1-0 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR
10 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR ½-½ FM Baasansuren, Erdene 2370 MGL
13 FM Carbonell Sancho, Marc 2285 ESP ½-½ IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR
20 GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR 0-1 FM Zrikem, Nassim 2194 MAR
87 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR --+ Osuna Franco, Claudio 1448 ESP

Pairings of round 8 for UKR (2024-07-13 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR ½-½ IM Zhao, Yuanhe 2491 CHN
5 IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR 0-1 IM Fiorito, Joaquin 2393 ARG
12 IM Kavutskiy, Konstantin 2329 USA ½-½ GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR
17 FM Venkatesan, Kavin 2186 IRL ½-½ GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR
94 Salvador Tejedor, Arnau 1541 ESP 1-0 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR

Pairings of round 7 for UKR (2024-07-12 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 IM Garrido Outon, Alex 2403 ESP 0-1 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR
5 IM Niedbala, Bartlomiej 2408 POL ½-½ IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR
6 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR ½-½ FM Ilinca, Felix-Antonio 2379 ROU
18 GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR ½-½ WGM Forgas Moreno, Yaniela 2234 CUB
101 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR 1-0 Fuentes Juan, Encarna 1492 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for UKR (2024-07-11 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR ½-½ IM Macias Pino, Diego 2471 ESP
7 IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR 1-0 IM Garcia, Jhoel 2366 PER
14 FM Torres Sanchez, Jose 2274 ESP 0-1 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR
18 FM Gavarrete, Nahun 2229 HON ½-½ GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR
118 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR 0  

Pairings of round 5 for UKR (2024-07-10 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 FM Luque Saiz, Andres 2321 ESP 0-1 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR
5 IM Seeman, Tarvo 2387 EST ½-½ IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR
26 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR 1-0 FM Buenafe Moya, Javier 2161 ESP
29 GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR 1-0 Yuste Valenzuela, Alejandro 2093 ESP
98 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR --+ Osuna Franco, Claudio 1448 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for UKR (2024-07-09 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
4 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR 1-0 IM Vega Gutierrez, Sabrina 2371 ESP
8 IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR 1-0 IM Vassallo Barroche, Mauricio 2344 ESP
13 FM Ibanez Aullana, Ramon 2271 ESP 1-0 GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR
45 De la Riva Real, Ariadna 1774 AND 0-1 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR
97 Vico Bueso, Aaron 1628 ESP 1-0 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR

Pairings of round 3 for UKR (2024-07-08 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
7 FM Carbonell Sancho, Marc 2285 ESP 0-1 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR
21 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR 0-1 CM Uribe, Jhonny Alberto 2164 VEN
22 Alonso Gimenez, Mauro 2098 ESP 0-1 IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR
26 GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR 1-0 Juan Lepp, Jaime Boris 2053 ESP
96 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR 0-1 Porras Boronat, German 1709 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for UKR (2024-07-07 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
6 Salvador Buiza, Victor 2167 ESP ½-½ GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR
10 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR 1-0 CM Gonzalez Castillo, Jose Javier 2165 ESP
19 CM Perez Perez, Gabriel 2124 ESP ½-½ GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR
48 IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR 1-0 Custard Gasco, Daniela Brenda 1866 ESP
92 Nieto Fresneda, Juan 1790 ESP 1-0 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR

Pairings of round 1 for UKR (2024-07-06 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
7 GM Kovchan, Alexander 2455 UKR 1-0 Turner, Justin 1956 AUS
10 Deusa Ballesteros, Lucas 1936 ESP ½-½ IM Bilych, Olexiy 2437 UKR
12 Selva Salvador, Antonio 1933 ESP 0-1 FM Danilenko, Dmitriy 2418 UKR
21 GM Golubka, Petro 2394 UKR 1-0 Antoneac Antoneac, Pablo Silviu 1898 ESP
88 Yerko, Dmytro 1533 UKR 0-1 Bosch Jorda, Ricard 2020 ESP