VIII Open Internacional Ciudad de Cuenca Sub 2200

Cuenca, from 2023-07-28 to 2023-07-30
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: FA Cruz Garcia, David 22251367
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games
Hotel**** Torremangana, Avda. San Ignacio de Loyola 9, 16002 Cuenca - -

Player information

Players and standings for Oberena

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. Buc1 BucT Cmlt Mwns DE1 User FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
30 28 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro ESP 3.5 25.0 27.5 17.5 3 0.0 0.0 1882 1894 2212870 11001 Oberena

Player pairings for Oberena

Pairings of round 7 for Oberena (2023-07-30 - 12:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
9 Aymerich Rosell, Pablo 2063 ESP 1-0 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for Oberena (2023-07-30 - 09:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
7 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP 0-1 Garcia-Ruiz Fuentes, Aitor 1999 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Oberena (2023-07-29 - 18:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
7 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP ½-½ Fernandez Aguilar, Francisco 2154 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for Oberena (2023-07-29 - 15:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
10 Clari Mascarell, Jose Javier 2020 ESP 0-1 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for Oberena (2023-07-29 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
17 Elche Corada, Jose Urbano 1617 ESP 0-1 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for Oberena (2023-07-28 - 19:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
9 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP 0-1 Pablos Tenrero, Raquel 2035 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for Oberena (2023-07-28 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
28 Ma Li, Lucia De Fang 0 ESP 0-1 Vinal Gutierrez, Pedro 1882 ESP