XIV Memorial Santiago Tejero Lamana

Zaragoza, from 2023-09-17 to 2023-09-17
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Juberias Segura, Santiago IA (id 2259826) Deputy Arbiters: Mimbela Lopez, Luis FA (id 2216418)
Rate of play: 12 minutes + 3 seconds per move
Torneo valedero para el "XVII CIRCUITO ARAGONÉS DE AJEDREZ 2023"

Martinez Alba, Ruben Pascual

Name Martinez Alba, Ruben Pascual
Federation ESP
Starting rank 44
FIDE Rating 1457 54752833
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 49
Points 3.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -24.40
Rating Performance 1281

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 10 B 12 Dan, Teodor
ESP 1945 0 6.0 0 -1.60
2 29 W 63 Bernal Roca, Urbez
ESP 0 0 2.0 0 0.00
3 25 B 55 Ania Chueca, Mario
ESP 1256 0 4.0 0 -15.20
4 30 W 57 Burillo Lazaro, Amelia
ESP 1236 0 1.0 1 4.40
5 25 B 58 Sisas Mainar, Izan
ESP 1225 0 4.0 0.5 -5.80
6 27 W 35 Aznar Andres, Maria Pilar
ESP 1577 0 3.0 1 13.20
7 20 W 48 Jaso Escudero, Julen
ESP 1411 0 5.0 0 -11.20
8 25 B 51 Amillo Navarro, Ismael
ESP 1348 0 3.5 1 7.00
9 21 W 56 Perez Bono, Marti
ESP 1251 0 4.5 0 -15.20