Xogade Infantil

Laracha, from 03/17/2024 to 03/17/2024
Official website
Chief Arbiter: FA de Prado Rodriguez, Oscar Bruno 2203600
Rate of play: 10 minutes + 3 seconds per move
Torneo Xogade 2024 Comarca Bergantiños

FIDE rating variation

Federation filter: ESP All

Origin filter: Arteixo Cabana Carballo All

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Ran. Tit. Name Fed. FIDE K Var. RP FIDE ID
1 Mendez Rey, Daniel ESP 1704 40 8.00 1892 54557461
2 Blanco Rodriguez, Andres ESP 1581 40 13.60 1892 94785643
3 Puga Rama, Roi ESP 1464 40 -21.60 1329 54543886
4 Casas Rellan, Gael Antonio ESP 0 40 0.00 1161 523000309
5 Gonzalez Porteiro, Pablo ESP 0 40 0.00 200 0
6 Mendez Garcia, Oliver ESP 0 40 0.00 1380 0
7 Mira Lema, Daniel ESP 0 40 0.00 1329 94740402
8 Paz Suarez, Alexandre ESP 0 40 0.00 1185 94791643
9 Pedreira Rey, Xabier ESP 0 40 0.00 923 0
10 Penide Souto, Celtia ESP 0 40 0.00 200 94795037
11 Pose Pereira, Pablo ESP 0 40 0.00 1188 94791694
12 Rodriguez Rama, Martin ESP 0 40 0.00 923 0
13 Vecino Balsas, Mateo ESP 0 40 0.00 952 54597498