Pena, Gianni Michael

Nome Pena, Gianni Michael
Federación DOM
Starting rank 16
FIDE 1461 6406661
Nacional 0
Clasificación final 16
Puntos 3,0
Variación FIDE (K=40) -26,40
Rating Performance 1397

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. M. Col. Ran. Nome Fed. FIDE Nac. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 16 B 38 Garcia Barja, Martin
ESP 0 0 1,0 1 0,00
2 1 B 1 CM Perez Nunez, Saul
ESP 2166 0 4,0 0 -3,20
3 10 B 28 Diz Lorono, Irene
ESP 1269 0 3,0 0 -30,00
4 14 B 41 Quintas Otero, Lois
ESP 0 0 2,0 1 0,00
5 10 B 32 Freire Fernandez, Raul
ESP 1191 0 2,0 1 6,80