XXXI Open Internacional de Ajedrez Activo Ciudad de Mostoles

Mostoles, from 2023-05-01 to 2023-05-01
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Lopez Rodriguez, Eduardo (22225501) Deputy Arbiters: Martinez Hernandez, Noemi (2264595)
Rate of play: 15' + 5 seg / move BRONSTEIN

Player information


Origin filter: MOSTOLES All

Players and standings for CUB

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. APRO DE1 BucT Mwns User FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
4 4 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos CUB 7.0 2198.7 0.0 55.0 6 0.0 2463 0 3507076 0
22 2 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis CUB 6.0 2005.2 0.0 52.0 6 0.0 2481 0 3509079 0
73 85 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio CUB 4.5 1825.8 0.0 47.0 4 0.0 1658 0 3530221 0
75 36 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto CUB 4.5 1773.1 0.0 43.0 4 0.0 2074 0 3504131 0

Player pairings for CUB

Pairings of round 9 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 18:45)

Brd. White Res. Black
4 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB 0-1 IM Lianes Garcia, Marcos 2297 ESP
5 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB 1-0 FM Martinez Reyes, Pedro Ramon 2284 VEN
31 Portero Rubio, Martin 1905 ESP 1-0 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB
34 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB ½-½ Condezo Abderrahim, Ibrahim 1559 ESP

Pairings of round 8 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 17:50)

Brd. White Res. Black
4 FM Quispe Arteaga, Gabriel 2304 ESP ½-½ IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB
8 Tenorio Garcia, Joel 2118 ESP 0-1 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB
27 de la Cuerda Gimeno, Ivan 1390 ESP 1-0 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB
41 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB 1-0 Huerta Navarro, Eusebio 1512 ESP

Pairings of round 7 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 16:55)

Brd. White Res. Black
6 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB 1-0 Centeno Mendoza, Julio Stefano 1995 ESP
13 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB 1-0 Perdomo Araujo, Angel Eduardo 1976 VEN
30 Vioque Gonzalez, Nicolas 1963 ESP 1-0 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB
34 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB 1-0 Sancho Castiello, Federico 1632 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
2 IM Reyes, Juan 2343 PER 1-0 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB
4 FM Quispe Arteaga, Gabriel 2304 ESP 1-0 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB
19 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB 0-1 Beltran De Heredia E., Miguel 2116 ESP
25 Arias Jordan, Juan 1812 ESP 1-0 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB

Pairings of round 5 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 13:40)

Brd. White Res. Black
5 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB 1-0 FM Neagu, Roberto Florin 2125 ESP
8 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB 1-0 Martin Garcia, Guillermo 2106 ESP
10 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB 0-1 GM Maksimenko, Andrei 2390 UKR
26 Semprun Martinez, Fernando 2097 ESP 0-1 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB

Pairings of round 4 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 12:45)

Brd. White Res. Black
3 IM Valles Moreno, Ivan 2289 ESP ½-½ IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB
13 Lopez Gomez, Miguel 1921 ESP 0-1 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB
27 Olias Munoz, Francisco 1687 ESP 0-1 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB
34 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB ½-½ Gaibor Gallardo, Gonzalo 1968 ECU

Pairings of round 3 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 11:50)

Brd. White Res. Black
2 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB 0-1 Fernandez Lledo, Javier 2155 ESP
4 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB 1-0 Mkrtchyan, Levon 2144 ESP
13 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB 0-1 IM Valles Moreno, Ivan 2289 ESP
60 Kueppers, Michael 0 GER 0-1 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB

Pairings of round 2 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 10:55)

Brd. White Res. Black
2 Camara Cozar, David 1993 ESP 0-1 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB
4 Calvo Gonzalez, Jose Felix 1968 ESP 0-1 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB
34 Tevar Sanz, Gonzalo 1685 ESP 0-1 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB
51 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB 1-0 Blanco Barrios, Aitana 1366 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for CUB (2023-05-01 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
2 IM Martinez Ramirez, Lennis 2481 CUB 1-0 Garcia Menendez, Borja 1678 ESP
4 IM Gomez Ledo, Roberto Carlos 2463 CUB 1-0 Guach Rodriguez, Marco Antonio 1658 CUB
36 Perez Grinan, Pedro Ernesto 2074 CUB 1-0 Sanchez Liso, Juan A 1429 ESP