XXXIV Abierto Internacional de Sestao 2018

Sestao, from 12/03/2018 to 12/08/2018
Puctuation system: 3-1-0
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Miguel Angel Almansa Martin
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
XXXIV Nazioarteko Sestaoko Xake Irekia 2018

Besga Lopez, Jose Angel

Name Besga Lopez, Jose Angel
Federation ESP
Starting rank 9
FIDE Rating 2050 32048807
National Rating 2068
Final Ranking 10
Points 13.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 1.80
Rating Performance 2038

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 8 B 37 Quintana Gomez, Peio
ESP 1621 1639 7.0 3 1.60
2 5 W 23 Martin Ibisate, Xabier
ESP 1783 1816 12.0 3 3.60
3 4 B 20 Sanchez Rodriguez, Ramon
ESP 1851 1943 10.0 1 -5.20
4 3 W 16 Galarza Docampo, Karmel
ESP 1903 1932 14.0 3 6.00
5 2 W 2 FM Trigo Urquijo, Sergio
ESP 2373 2364 17.0 0 -2.60
6 5 B 24 Rubio Rodriguez, Luis
ESP 1782 1827 13.0 3 3.40
7 3 W 4 FM Prieto Aranguren, Alain
ESP 2242 2247 15.0 0 -5.00