XXXIV Abierto Internacional de Sestao 2018

Sestao, from 12/03/2018 to 12/08/2018
Puctuation system: 3-1-0
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Miguel Angel Almansa Martin
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
XXXIV Nazioarteko Sestaoko Xake Irekia 2018

Pairings of round 5 - 12/06/2018 - 17:00

Federation filter: ESA ESP FRA VEN All

Origin filter: CAT CNT CTL EUS GAL NAV VAL All

Brd. White Ran. Pts. FIDE Fed. Res. Black Ran. Pts. FIDE Fed.
1 FM Iruzubieta Villaluenga, Jesus M 10.0 1-1 Diez Fraile, David 10.0
2 Besga Lopez, Jose Angel 10.0 0-3 FM Trigo Urquijo, Sergio 10.0
3 Meneses Arenas, Mikel 9.0 0-3 Svyatoslav, Vorobyev 10.0
4 Rey Malde, Henrique 9.0 3-0 Segura Del Frago, Imanol 9.0
5 Alonso Alonso, Ivan 8.0 0-3 FM Ruiz Gomez, Alejandro 8.0
6 FM Prieto Aranguren, Alain 8.0 3-0 Wu Martin, Eneko 8.0
7 Sadusea, Johnny Fernando 7.0 1-1 Perez Palma, Jesus Maria 7.0
8 Rodriguez Sanz, Gabriel 7.0 3-0 Sanchez Rodriguez, Ramon 7.0
9 Galarza Docampo, Karmel 7.0 3-0 Santos Reyes, Rodrigo 7.0
10 Rubio Rodriguez, Luis 7.0 3-0 Juarros Ruiz, Victor 7.0
11 Diaz Lombera, Cristian 6.0 3-0 Campo, Alain 6.0
12 Singh Ahumada, Karan 6.0 1-1 Dura Olmos, Gines Raul 6.0
13 Piris Gonzalez, Asier 6.0 0-3 Sarralde Marco, Emilio 6.0
14 Martin Ibisate, Xabier 6.0 3-0 Calleja Gonzalez, Unai 6.0
15 Sierra Lopez, Ceferino 5.0 3-0 De Los Mozos Alonso, Juan 6.0
16 Reguillaga Elias, Manex 5.0 3-0 Regillaga Otano, Jon 5.0
17 Garcia Ortega, Joseba 5.0 1-1 Llano Perez, Eduardo 5.0
18 Perez Novoa, Miguel 5.0 3-0 Cenizo Vicente, Jesus Rafael 5.0
19 De la Fuente Pinedo, Mikel 5.0 3-0 Gutierrez Bolado, Juan Antonio 5.0
20 Quintana Gomez, Peio 4.0 3-0 Gonzalez Rodriguez, Aitor 5.0
21 Puente Diaz, Gorka 4.0 3-0 Fernandez Villanueva, Javier 4.0
22 Ruiz Anton, Adolfo 3.0 3-0 Acedo Pena, Javier 4.0
23 Eguia Abad, Jon 3.0 3-0 Vazquez Aveleira, Asier 3.0
24 Garcia Bolanos, Irene 3.0 3-0 Magallanes Cordova, Adrian 3.0
25 Martinez Vazquez, Victoria 3.0 0-3 Antunez Blanco, Javier 3.0
26 Ciruelos Clerencia, Juan Manuel 2.0 3-0 Corral Guijarro, Nahia 2.0
27 Gonzalez Melguizo, Adrian 1.0 --+ Hirgma, Elmaati 1.0
28 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1.0 +  
29 Garcinuno Gonzalez, David 5.0 =  
30 Gomez Vales, Daniel 3.0 =  
31 Goti Cordon, Luis Pedro 1.0 =  
32 Cabello Gonzalez, Javier 0.0 0