XXXIV Abierto Internacional de Sestao 2018

Sestao, from 12/03/2018 to 12/08/2018
Puctuation system: 3-1-0
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Miguel Angel Almansa Martin
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
XXXIV Nazioarteko Sestaoko Xake Irekia 2018

Wu Martin, Eneko

Name Wu Martin, Eneko
Federation ESP
Starting rank 11
FIDE Rating 2006 2273209
National Rating 2011
Final Ranking 15
Points 12.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -6.80
Rating Performance 1926

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 9 W 38 De Los Mozos Alonso, Juan
ESP 1545 1576 9.0 3 1.60
2 6 B 26 Svyatoslav, Vorobyev
ESP 1768 1761 13.0 1 -6.00
3 27 --             = 0.00
4 11 W 21 Garcia Ortega, Joseba
ESP 1849 1856 12.0 3 5.80
5 6 B 4 FM Prieto Aranguren, Alain
ESP 2242 2247 15.0 0 -4.00
6 11 W 33 Perez Novoa, Miguel
ESP 1657 1686 9.0 1 -7.80
7 11 B 28 Garcinuno Gonzalez, David
ESP 1745 1741 9.0 3 3.60