CE Sub 16 2024

Salobreña (Granada), from 2024-07-22 to 2024-07-27
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Maldonado Valdivia, German (54536847, ESP) Deputy Arbiters: FA De Mendizabal Vega, Raul (22286489, ESP)
Rate of play: 90 min + 30 s/mov
Live games
CHESS.COM: https://www.chess.com/events/2024-spanish-chess-championship-u16/games - LICHESS: https://lichess.org/broadcast/campeonato-de-espana-sub-16-2024/ronda-1/vqk7Cqrp#boards


- TITULAR 1: IA José Vicente Jiménez Martínez (CTM)
- TITULAR 2: Pedro Guerrero Arroyo (EXT)

- SUPLENTE 1: José Rafael Sequera Paolini (CAT)
- SUPLENTE 2: Juan Gayá Llodra (BAL)

Player information

Players and standings for NAV

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. APRO BH BH-C1 ARO WIN FIDE FIDE ID Origin
2 3 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier NAV 8.0 2112 53.0 49.0 2074 7 2408 24524689 NAV
5 18 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro NAV 7.0 2055 49.0 45.5 2040 5 2120 24580783 NAV
15 60 Andres Iniguez, Iker NAV 6.5 2005 48.5 45.5 2006 6 1945 24580740 NAV
71 75 Esparza Toni, Aitor NAV 5.0 1874 43.0 40.0 1885 4 1913 54588600 NAV
114 42 Martino Girones, Gonzalo NAV 4.0 1867 41.0 38.5 1857 3 1987 24598852 NAV
137 124 Esparza Toni, Angel NAV 4.0 1689 34.5 32.5 1766 3 1760 54588618 NAV
155 166 Perez Azanza, Irati NAV 3.5 1668 32.5 31.0 1684 3 1587 54506506 NAV
159 151 Salas Giralda, Luca NAV 3.0 1730 37.5 34.5 1748 2 1649 24596213 NAV
164 172 Labiano Hernandez, Maria NAV 3.0 1694 34.5 33.0 1736 2 1560 54506689 NAV

Player pairings for NAV

Pairings of round 9 for NAV (2024-07-27 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
2 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV 0-1 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV
3 Vioque Gonzalez, Nicolas 2180 MAD ½-½ Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV
47 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV 1-0 Prochaieva, Yelyzaveta 1767 AST
56 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV ½-½ Blanco Barrios, Aitana 1737 MAD
73 Carrasco Gomez, Adahara 1807 CAT 1-0 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV
74 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV 1-0 Gomez Prieto, Alonso 1621 MAD
79 Arroyo Ruiz, David 1683 RIO 1-0 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV
85 Jular Ayala, Lucas 1459 CTL 0-1 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV

Pairings of round 8 for NAV (2024-07-26 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
2 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV 1-0 Martinez Soriano, Pablo 2097 MUR
3 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV 1-0 FM Perea Fruet, Lorenzo 2394 AND
7 Anguera Staina, Maxim 2128 CAT 0-1 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV
41 Rodriguez Canovas, Elena 1837 MUR 1-0 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV
51 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV ½-½ Fernandez Aguado, Marcos 1770 MAD
72 Enjuto Breton, Miguel 1673 CTL ½-½ Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV
77 Hladiy, Mark 1689 VAL 1-0 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV
80 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV 1-0 Sierra Pena, Alberto 1549 CTL
82 Merino Aceituno, Daniel 1630 AND 0-1 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV

Pairings of round 7 for NAV (2024-07-26 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
2 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV ½-½ Anguera Staina, Maxim 2128 CAT
12 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV 1-0 Gomez Salva, Roberto 1916 AND
13 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV 1-0 Clotet Mas, Dan 2110 CAT
29 Chicote Sagredo, Hugo 2039 CTM 1-0 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV
60 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV 1-0 Sgibnev Huayllani, Daniel Vladim 1758 ARA
77 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV ½-½ Ruiz Garcia, Enri 1710 CTL
83 Garcia Pascual, Christian 1569 AND 1-0 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV
84 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV 1-0 Dieguez Novoa, Laura 1421 GAL
89 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV 1-0 Mordvintseva, Daria 1464 CTL

Pairings of round 6 for NAV (2024-07-25 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 FM Tabuenca Mendataurigoitia, Danie 2423 CNT ½-½ FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV
9 Deusa Ballesteros, Lucas 1936 VAL ½-½ Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV
16 Calvo Gonzalez, Jose Felix 2146 CTM 0-1 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV
23 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV ½-½ Lorente Melcon, Maximo 2107 ARA
54 Carrasco Gomez, Ariadna 1720 CAT ½-½ Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV
80 Brito Baranda, Markel 1629 CAN 1-0 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV
85 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV 1-0 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV
91 Falcon Ibanez, Sarai 1454 RIO 0-1 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV

Pairings of round 5 for NAV (2024-07-24 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
2 Vioque Gonzalez, Nicolas 2180 MAD 0-1 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV
4 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV ½-½ FM Salinas Tomas, Daniel 2335 CAT
33 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV 1-0 Blanco Barrios, Aitana 1737 MAD
42 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV 0-1 Vardanyan Asilbekyan, Ani 1816 CAT
52 Azimov Azimova, Daniel 1768 AND 0-1 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV
63 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV 0-1 Sureda Gonzalez, Cristina 2042 BAL
77 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV 0-1 Cebolla Ruiz, Anna 1678 VAL
80 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV 0-1 Martinez Arroyo, Fernando 1652 ARA
82 Blasco Barriuso, Jaime 1525 CTL 1-0 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV

Pairings of round 4 for NAV (2024-07-24 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
3 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV 1-0 Sanz Gorospe, Ibai 2116 CTL
10 Martinez Rodriguez, Francisco Sa 1980 VAL 0-1 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV
17 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV 0-1 Fernandez Climent, Albert 2138 CAT
29 Menendez Perez, Miguel 1862 AST 1-0 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV
37 Gomez Parrado, Angel 1809 BAL ½-½ Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV
48 Iravedra Iankov, Francisco 1958 ARA 1-0 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV
60 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV 0-1 Sprenger de la Iglesia, Yevgeni 1969 MAD
74 Sgibnev Huayllani, Daniel Vladim 1758 ARA 1-0 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV
76 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS 1-0 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV

Pairings of round 3 for NAV (2024-07-23 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
3 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV 0-1 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV
21 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV 1-0 Roman Verdier, Alberto 1899 AND
47 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV ½-½ Rubial Blanco, Heriberto 1961 CTL
51 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV 1-0 Prochaieva, Olha 1754 AST
59 Garcia Lopez, Mireia 1712 MAD 0-1 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV
63 Prochaieva, Alina 1892 AST 1-0 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV
65 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV 0-1 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1867 EUS
78 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS

Pairings of round 2 for NAV (2024-07-22 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
3 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV 1-0 Teply Koutsky, David 1956 CAT
5 FM Salinas Tomas, Daniel 2335 CAT 1-0 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV
15 Torres Rebolledo, Marcos 1924 MAD ½-½ Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV
23 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV 0-1 Asensio Asensio, Nicolas 2094 ARA
35 Rubio Sureda, Alejandro 1862 CTM 0-1 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV
48 Marcos Rodriguez, Raul 2024 CAT ½-½ Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV
77 Moreno Burillo, Maria 1770 ARA 1-0 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV
81 Garuz Casado, Maria 1509 CTL 0-1 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV
95 Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV ½-½ Arnedo Vigueras, Miguel 1898 MAD

Pairings of round 1 for NAV (2024-07-22 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
3 Rodriguez Canovas, Elena 1837 MUR 0-1 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2408 NAV
18 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2120 NAV 1-0 Diz Lorono, Irene 1795 GAL
29 Esparza Toni, Angel 1760 NAV 0-1 Benseny Martinez, Guerau 2076 CAT
42 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1987 NAV 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS
56 Moreno Burillo, Marcos Antonio 1959 ARA ½-½ Salas Giralda, Luca 1649 NAV
60 Andres Iniguez, Iker 1945 NAV 1-0 Merino Aceituno, Daniel 1630 AND
71 Perez Azanza, Irati 1587 NAV 0-1 Revuelta Blanco, Daniel 1920 CTL
75 Garcia Pascual, Christian 1569 AND 0-1 Esparza Toni, Aitor 1913 NAV
77 Labiano Hernandez, Maria 1560 NAV ½-½ Lunin Bohomolets, Iliia 1912 CAT