III Festival RGCC I Open Internacional

Gijon, from 07/11/2015 to 07/18/2015
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: FA Arturo Gonzalez Pruneda (2256860) Deputy Arbiters: AN Marco Antonio Marino Bravo (2206277)
Rate of play: 90 + 30
Live games

Romero Holmes, Alfonso

Name GM Romero Holmes, Alfonso
Federation ESP
Starting rank 1
FIDE Rating 2469 2200066
National Rating 2511
Final Ranking 43
Points 4.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=10) -18.70
Rating Performance 2096

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=10)
1 1 B 39 Yanes Crespo, Javier
ESP 1872 1887 5.0 1 0.80
2 1 W 25 Martin Rodriguez, Emilio
ESP 2107 2122 4.5 1 1.00
3 1 B 8 FM Fidalgo Fernandez, Javier
ESP 2261 2254 6.0 0 -7.70
4 6 W 27 Abalde Fernandez, Esteban
ESP 2032 1938 5.5 1 0.80
5 3 B 3 FM Suarez Garcia, Carlos
ESP 2408 2382 6.5 0 -5.80
6 9 W 35 Caceres Rodriguez, Jose J.
ESP 1938 1993 4.5 1 0.80
7 5 B 15 Diaz Iglesias, Jose Maria
ESP 2158 2128 5.5 0 -8.60
8 11 W 30 Fernandez Diaz, Ignacio
ESP 1998 1983 5.5 - 0.00
9 33 --             - 0.00