
Players and standings for Liendo

Pos. Ran. Tít. Nome Fed. Pts. Buc1 BucT S-B BucM Cmlt FIDE Nac. D.Nac. FIDE ID ID Nac. Orixe/Club
18 58 Martel Bruniaux, Malko ESP 5,0 35.0 39.0 23.50 29.0 24.5 1382 0 2008 24560871 0 Liendo

Player pairings for Liendo

Pairings of round 8 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 20:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
19 Lopez Mena, Emilio 1594 ESP 0-1 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP

Pairings of round 7 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 19:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
12 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP 0-1 Ahmed Harjour, Arabi 1868 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 19:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
7 Rodriguez Rodriguez, Miguel 1953 ESP 1-0 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 18:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
12 Martin Cabeza, Nicolas 1609 ESP 0-1 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 17:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
6 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP ½-½ Llaneza Mendez, Javier 1732 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
13 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP 1-0 Monge Garcia, Carlos 1674 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 16:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
21 Llaneza Vega, Juan Alberto 1819 ESP 0-1 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for Liendo (2022-07-09 - 16:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
14 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 1382 ESP ½-½ Garcia Fernandez, Jose A. 1887 ESP