XIV Cto. de España de Veteranos - Grupo B (+65)

Altea, from 10/09/2016 to 10/16/2016
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Vicente Fernando Gómez Roca (2214954) Deputy Arbiters: FA Manuel Fernández Calabuig (22280812)
Rate of play: Standard: 90 minutes with 30 second increment from move 1
Live games
E-mail árbitro vicent(arroba)ajedrezcullera.org

Lopez Heras, Arturo

Name Lopez Heras, Arturo
Federation ESP
Starting rank 27
FIDE Rating 1806 2225433
National Rating 1850
Final Ranking 23
Points 5.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 12.40
Rating Performance 1849

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 27 W 55 Codina Escudero, Juan
ESP 1403 1424 2.5 1 1.60
2 10 B 12 Ciuro Munoz, Ricardo
ESP 2001 2064 5.5 0 -5.00
3 19 W 45 Argueso Palomino, Manuel
ESP 1622 1646 4.0 1 5.20
4 12 B 16 Vallbona Domingo, Joan
ESP 1972 1974 5.5 0.5 4.40
5 12 W 18 Gonzalez Pabollet, Jesus Maria S
ESP 1905 1904 4.5 0 -7.20
6 16 W 19 Borras Julian, Teodoro
ESP 1883 1902 4.5 1 12.20
7 11 B 11 Tejero Royo, Fermin
ESP 2010 2026 5.0 0 -4.80
8 17 B 41 Donazar Garayoa, Miguel
ESP 1660 1677 4.0 1 6.00
9 11 W 28 Alonso Igual, Ignacio
ESP 1803 1800 5.0 0.5 0.00