Lloc web oficial
Àrbitre Principal:
IA Arranz Martin, Pablo A. (ID 22218734)
Àrbitres adjunts:
IA Zaiats, Vladimir (ID 14109344) Llavador, Juan J
Ritme de joc:
90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Partides en directe
Compruebe sus datos y byes... Check your data and byes... S = Para premio Sub-16 /... Eligibility for prizes: S = Sub-16 / V = Para premio Veterano /... Eligibility for prizes: V = Over-60 / ... H = Para premios Hotel en Gran Hotel Bali /... Eligibility for prizes: H = Grand Hotel Bali lodged players... Los premios Comunidad Valenciana y Provincial de Alicante se asignan en base a los clubes. Compruebe su club
BYES: Mail exclusivo para byes de primera ronda. parranz1401@hotmail.com. Una vez comenzado el torneo sólo se admiten byes en la mesa arbitral mediante el correspondiente formulario. Quedan prohibidas peticiones de byes por WhatsApp, teléfono, de palabra, mail, web o cualquier modo incluido el personal organizativo.
ATTENTION: This mail EXCLUSIVELY deals with "bye" applications for Round 1. parranz1401@hotmail.com Once the tournament is started, ONLY "bye" applications registered at the tournament arbiters' desk through a special form will be taken into account. "Bye" communications through WhatsApp, by phone, orally, by e-mail, through any Web form, or by any other mean, even through organization team (I.e., not the tournament arbiters) are NOT allowed and therefore will automatically be discarded.