Campeonato de España Sub 12 2017

Salobreña, Granada, from 07/10/2017 to 07/15/2017
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: AI Jesús García Valer Deputy Arbiters: AF Iván Arriazu Domínguez
Rate of play: 90 minutos + 30 segundos por movimiento desde movimiento 1
Live games

Cesar Maestre, Bernardo

Name Cesar Maestre, Bernardo
Federation ESP
Starting rank 30
FIDE Rating 1626 24542547
National Rating 1626
Final Ranking 46
Points 5.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -37.60
Rating Performance 1532

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 30 W 112 Briand Rosas, Clara
ESP 1267 1246 4.0 1 4.00
2 29 B 73 Otero Campos, Cintia
ESP 1423 1395 5.0 1 9.60
3 5 W 7 Villalba Embid, Marcos
ESP 1868 1884 6.0 0 -8.00
4 21 B 79 Sainz Allo, Javier
ESP 1397 1417 4.5 1 8.40
5 17 W 61 Karunanithi, Bharath
ESP 1457 1530 5.5 0 -28.80
6 26 B 81 Fernandez Lopez, Pedro
ESP 1391 0 5.0 0.5 -11.60
7 25 W 67 Casares Bonals, Asier
ESP 1441 1373 4.5 0 -29.60
8 36 B 80 Martinez Iglesias, Pablo
ESP 1396 1191 4.5 1 8.40
9 27 W 71 Prellezo Ursueguia, Jose Luis
ESP 1432 1358 4.5 1 10.00