Campeonato de España Sub10 2017

Salobreña, Granada, from 07/03/2017 to 07/08/2017
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Antonio Pérez Trapero Deputy Arbiters: AN Adrián Ortiz Berruguete
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games

Macias Pino, Diego

Name Macias Pino, Diego
Federation ESP
Starting rank 1
FIDE Rating 1746 24529133
National Rating 1743
Final Ranking 3
Points 7.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -7.20
Rating Performance 1677

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 1 W 75 Rubio Popoteur, Samuel
ESP 1197 1170 5.0 1 3.20
2 1 B 40 Morales Carmona, Jose Manuel
ESP 1291 1290 6.0 1 3.20
3 1 W 20 Diaz Medina, Angelo
ESP 1413 1416 7.0 1 5.20
4 1 B 9 Villanueva Marquez, Santiago
ESP 1517 1516 5.5 0 -31.60
5 7 W 32 Diaz Lopez, Santigo David
ESP 1342 0 6.0 1 3.20
6 3 B 16 Hornero Perez, Mario I
ESP 1436 1429 5.0 1 5.60
7 2 B 6 Vergara Anton, Diego
ESP 1650 1632 6.5 0.5 -5.20
8 3 W 19 Garijo Perez, Hugo
ESP 1414 1402 6.5 1 5.20
9 3 B 27 Rodriguez Lopez, Sergio
ESP 1376 1446 6.5 1 4.00